About Us

"Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore."
- Andre Gide

Technology, man's progress in controlling his environment, his destiny, even his fate, comes with risk and pain. It has been this way ever since we buy cheap cialis took our first step towards FTL travel when we grabbed that smoking stick with the flickering orange stuff on the end. Consider, for a second, all the benefits and tragedies we have had from our discovery and understanding of fire.

Clearly, our distant ancestors could not have anticipated the steam engine or the crucible. Nor could they have understood greek fire or an oven at Dachau. Looking at both sides of this equation, would anyone suggest denying the discovery, turning down fire when Prometheus brought it to us?

Once you accept that change is inevitable and that pain is certain, progress becomes more understandable. We realize that, as tasking as Office 2007 was, it will lead to Office 2013, just as Office 2000 was a leap into darkness between the light of Office 97 and the trustworthiness of Office 2002.

At Digital Phoenix Systems, we think of ourselves in many ways. Innovators. Guides. Gurus. Wizards, even. But with regards to the ever-constant pain of technological advancement, we like to think of ourselves as combat field medics - ready to apply live-saving patches, arrange emergency assistance, perform needed surgery with a Gerber Mark II and a handful of ants, or lay down suppressive fire.

Our Philosophy

Our Tools

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